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About US

The Museum of Sticks & Stones digs into hate and harm so we can find the humanity in one another.

The Museum of Sticks & Stones is more than an idea - it's a collective action. Join us a Curator and receive special tools and invitations, and make change in your own community.

Become a curator
sticks and stones shapes pattern

Hate is human. But humanity is built on common ground.

The Museum of Sticks & Stones is a mental health non-profit dedicated to fostering common ground in society, through the arts, play, history, and education. We believe hate is human, but humanity's success depends on understanding, kindness, and community.

We are a DGR-1 non-profit that began back in 2011 as a mental health charity focused on reducing the suicide rate in Australia. We’ve produced some of the world's most innovative mental health campaigns, from Soften the Fck Up to global data project How is the World Feeling?

The world today feels fractured. 45% of Australians report feeling that the nation is more divided today than in the past, (Edelman Trust Barometer 2023) while 40% of us report experiencing hate and harm online (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) or 53% for teens. (eSafety Commission)

Meanwhile, the frequency of social contact between Australians has been declining for decades, and now 1 in 3 of us report feeling regularly lonely. In this age of rage, our focus has become to help build the skills society needs to reduce hate and harm, and find the human in one another.


Meet the team

We're a small but mighty bunch working towards a more human internet, reducing hate, and building empathy and peace in all aspects of society.
Co-Founder, Executive Director
William Smith-Stubbs
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Chief Business Officer
Feda Adra
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Creative and Community Lead
Urusaro Rwagaju
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Marketing Specialist
Vivian Vu
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Wellbeing Designer
Dr. Priyanka Naidu
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Executive Assistant
Susie Lee
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Financial Officer
Benjamin Moriarty
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Chief Pats Officer
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Our other award-winning work

We're a small but mighty bunch, making change since 2011, and dedicated to improving mental wellbeing, reducing hate, and improving social connections.

Our mission is to foster common ground for all, and equip everyday people to see the human in one another.

Humanity is deeply rooted in empathy and storytelling. It grows when nuance and perspective is appreciated. It delicately balances human imperfection with accountability.

Humanness is a prerequisite for each of the other values.
Frankness speaks truth to power and holds up a mirror to the world. Frankness isn’t brash—rather it confidently crosses divides to foster conversations that might otherwise go unsaid. Frankness is an instigator of openness and change—and never takes itself too seriously.
Trust is created through connection, transparency, safety, and vulnerability. With trust, political divides soften—conversations more understanding.Trust narrows the gap that frankness seeks to cross.
The project must demonstrably improve people’s lives through reducing harm produced and experienced.

Impact is created through a clear focus on outcomes, clear measurement, and an understanding that the desired change is human behaviour.

We've partnered with some amazing teams


And received financial support from

Sometimes all we need is an outlet. Time and space to vent.
Go to the void

Insights and highlights of years gone past